Whiteout 阿那亚
Whiteout Ski Shop
Category: Interior
Area: 120 sqm
Year: 2023
Location: Chongli
Whiteout Ski Shop
Category: Interior
Area: 120 sqm
Year: 2023
Location: Chongli
店铺的名称 WHITEOUT 是指风雪天气内形成的白雾状的空气状态。我们希望在空间中以半透明的材质体现出这种暧昧的视觉关系,在店铺范围内设计出一套展陈系统。
展柜设计的灵感来源于北方雪地的雪橇与雪车。与地面交接的不锈钢部分以雪刃干练的线条强化了原本厚重柜体的动势。 由高到低的展柜以Z字型布置,因与主轴网的交错,产生动势,让人联想到滑雪时沿山而下的轨迹。 展柜 半透明的背板通过打孔做成了洞洞板的形式,方便层板和挂钩灵活放置。板上的孔洞形成了六边形的雪花图案,既保留了模数体系又巧妙回应了滑雪主题。
WHITEOUT is a ski shop located at the foot of the Chongli Mountain. As a boutique store, WHITEOUT features snowboards, snowsuits, as well as accessories from a collection of European and Asian indie brands.
The brand name WHITEOUT refers to “milky weather”. Intrigued by what whiteout does to human sight, we decided to recreate the visual blurriness through introducing a series of showcases with translucent backboards.
We take our inspiration of the showcases from sleds and snowmobiles. Taken after the shape of blades on snowmobiles, the stainless-steel feet of the shelves give the otherwise bulky-looking showcases a sense of mobility and agility, as if they are sliding. T he showcases are arranged from the highest to the lowest in a Z-shaped-pattern. When customers move down the aisles, it recalls the movement of a skier zig-zagging down a mountain.
As for the backboard, we convert frosted acrylic boards into custom-made pegboards with slots in the shape of snowflakes. Thanks to the orthogonal shape of the snowflake patterns, our pegboards manage to combine the functionality and flexibility of a modular system with a fun twist of implying the nature of the merchandise behind the mist of the translucent acrylic board.
展柜设计的灵感来源于北方雪地的雪橇与雪车。与地面交接的不锈钢部分以雪刃干练的线条强化了原本厚重柜体的动势。 由高到低的展柜以Z字型布置,因与主轴网的交错,产生动势,让人联想到滑雪时沿山而下的轨迹。 展柜 半透明的背板通过打孔做成了洞洞板的形式,方便层板和挂钩灵活放置。板上的孔洞形成了六边形的雪花图案,既保留了模数体系又巧妙回应了滑雪主题。
WHITEOUT is a ski shop located at the foot of the Chongli Mountain. As a boutique store, WHITEOUT features snowboards, snowsuits, as well as accessories from a collection of European and Asian indie brands.
The brand name WHITEOUT refers to “milky weather”. Intrigued by what whiteout does to human sight, we decided to recreate the visual blurriness through introducing a series of showcases with translucent backboards.
We take our inspiration of the showcases from sleds and snowmobiles. Taken after the shape of blades on snowmobiles, the stainless-steel feet of the shelves give the otherwise bulky-looking showcases a sense of mobility and agility, as if they are sliding. T he showcases are arranged from the highest to the lowest in a Z-shaped-pattern. When customers move down the aisles, it recalls the movement of a skier zig-zagging down a mountain.
As for the backboard, we convert frosted acrylic boards into custom-made pegboards with slots in the shape of snowflakes. Thanks to the orthogonal shape of the snowflake patterns, our pegboards manage to combine the functionality and flexibility of a modular system with a fun twist of implying the nature of the merchandise behind the mist of the translucent acrylic board.


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