Drunk ‘n’ Jump Draft Beer Bar
Category: F&B
Area: 60 sqm
Year: 2022
Location: Shanghai
Category: F&B
Area: 60 sqm
Year: 2022
Location: Shanghai
以向下借空间和创造出形式自由多变的空间使用方式为要点,设计将原有地坪进行了局部拆除,在室内中央还原出一个与檐廊入口区有着1.2米高差的,带有台阶型座椅的下沉空间。 当人们潜入到下沉空间时,由于平视高度改变,四周的桦木板会以悬浮的形态出现,给空间带来宜人的包裹感。
Located on the corner of the ground floor of a newly renovated mixed-used building, the popular draft beer bar found its home in a compact 60-sqm-store. The design removes the original glass curtain wall and replaces it with bifold windows that ca be stack to one end. Together with ceranda to the front and to the side, the bar is no longer bounded by the limited square footage indoor but extends to incorporate outdoor space for young people to gather and enjoy themselves.
Another big move is to partially remove the raised floor inside the store to create a centralized sunken space. Customers approaching from the street would have to go up several flights of stairs to raise to the veranda level, and after they pass the entrance doorway of the bar, they will be greeted by a miniature sunken plaza 1.2 meters below their standing height.
When standing in the middle of the sunken plaza, all the wooden furniture seems to be floating in midair. Collectively and collaboratively, they manage to add a dash of human touch to the otherwise industrial-looking space.
Through inviting all the visitors to interact with the space, products, and the crowd in whatever ways appeal to them, the creative potential of the minimalistic space got fully unearthed.
以向下借空间和创造出形式自由多变的空间使用方式为要点,设计将原有地坪进行了局部拆除,在室内中央还原出一个与檐廊入口区有着1.2米高差的,带有台阶型座椅的下沉空间。 当人们潜入到下沉空间时,由于平视高度改变,四周的桦木板会以悬浮的形态出现,给空间带来宜人的包裹感。
Located on the corner of the ground floor of a newly renovated mixed-used building, the popular draft beer bar found its home in a compact 60-sqm-store. The design removes the original glass curtain wall and replaces it with bifold windows that ca be stack to one end. Together with ceranda to the front and to the side, the bar is no longer bounded by the limited square footage indoor but extends to incorporate outdoor space for young people to gather and enjoy themselves.
Another big move is to partially remove the raised floor inside the store to create a centralized sunken space. Customers approaching from the street would have to go up several flights of stairs to raise to the veranda level, and after they pass the entrance doorway of the bar, they will be greeted by a miniature sunken plaza 1.2 meters below their standing height.
When standing in the middle of the sunken plaza, all the wooden furniture seems to be floating in midair. Collectively and collaboratively, they manage to add a dash of human touch to the otherwise industrial-looking space.
Through inviting all the visitors to interact with the space, products, and the crowd in whatever ways appeal to them, the creative potential of the minimalistic space got fully unearthed.

Facade © Ao.ArchLab

Interior Photos © Ao.ArchLab

Wood Wall Diagram © Ao.ArchLab

Diagram © Ao.ArchLab